CLICK HERE FOR VIDEO: A Fascinating Introduction to Economics in Islam with Jamal Harwood
Assalaamu Alaikuum brothers and sisters,
Continuing with our topic of Islam and Economy/Finance, we caught this amazing talk on Blogging Theology, with brother Jamal Hardwood doing a very basic and easy to understand presentation on the topic. It is so fascinating to see the perfection of Islam manifest itself in all areas of life, particularly in the sphere of economy.
With all the troubles and economic woes of the world today, delving into this topic with such clarity and insight on how Islam directly solves the corruption and oppression of our time is so refreshing, Alhamdulillah.
It is a topic we hope to explore further, and Alhamdulillah we are grateful to have this discussion in our learning toolkit. DO yourselves a favour, and check it out!! 😉
COMING UP NEXT IN SHA ALLAH: One more highlight on Islamic Finance