Assalaamu Alaikuum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh,
Alhamdulillah, we are a third of the way through the blessed month of Ramadan 2023 (1444), may Allah grant us tawfeeq to take advantage of the countless blessings of this month, AMEEN!
Brothers and sisters, there is no better time to connect with our Rabb, and really reflect on our state internally and externally. This will inevitably guide us to the deep questions of life, and force us to reevaluate our decisions and circumstances. One of these fundamental questions is what is our purpose, why are we here.
For some of us just starting out on our spiritual learning journey, it is a daunting question and one we take for granted. Alhamdulillah, this video by our revert brother Jeffrey Lang is by far one of THE BEST explanations of this very heavy concept, and he does it in such a concise, logical way while also weaving in such a beautiful and heart wrenching narrative of his own coming to Islam.
If you don’t believe us, watch it for yourself. In fact we came across it years ago, but it is a talk you will want to revisit again and again to get all the gems in sha Allah.
Allah bless brother Jeffrey tremendously, and increase us in understanding and beneficial knowledge, Ameen!