Assalaamu Alaikuum brothers and sisters!

CHECK OUT THIS VIDEO: History of HERESY [Islam & Philosophy Pt. 2]

It has been a while since we posted, Alhamdulillah we pray Allah keeps us dedicated to learning this beautiful deen. Ameen!

We noticed a trend for some time, like a philosophical revival in the duuat community, using philosophy (know in the Islamic tradition as kalaam) to call to Islam. Brother Saajid has been critical of this trend, and we tend to agree with his points.

We are learning the serious issues with kalaam and its discrepancy with the core principals of Islam, being the teachings of the Quran and Sunnah.

Now we certainly find it an interesting approach to use philosophy to explore the origin of this creation, and using logic cement the undeniable fact of there being an All Powerful Creator. But are there risks to using this approach, and is it based in the way of salaf?

Check out this two part series that explores this topic. Above is the part 2, that builds off the first video around the history of Islam and Philosophy. Check out the first video here!

May Allah guide us to the truth and keep us steadfast! Ameen.

COMING UP NEXT, IN SHA ALLAH: Keeping the dawah simple, with one message foundation!

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