Remaining Steadfast during times of Fitanh | Abu Bakr Zoud

Assalamuu Alaikuum brothers and sisters,

We came across this khutbah by brother Abu Bakr Zoud, of Masjid As-Sunnah in Australia, MashaAllah. He speaks about the lessons that can be learned from Surah Al-Kahf, and the story of the young men in the cave. There are three advices of how to attain and maintain steadfastness during times of fitnah that is taken from the beautiful ayat of this surah.

We encourage you to benefit from this short reminder, that establishes the need to hold fast to the Qu’ran, keep good companionship, and the importance to calling to Allah.

May Allah bless brother Zoud, and may Allah make us of those who implement the wisdom shared in this khutbah! Ameen!

COMING UP NEXT, IN SHA ALLAH: The Dawah of One Message Foundation

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