TIKTOK & the Black Heart || Friday Khutbah – Ustadh Abu Taymiyyah –

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Assalaamu Alaikuum brothers and sisters! Alhamdulillah, wanted to share this powerful Friday Khutbah, from brother Abu Taymiyyah. In these confusing times, we take for granted the dangerous influence of social media, especially on the younger generations. We need to be mindful of what we consume, and how it effects the people around us, whether it is our family or our community.

Honestly, when you look into some of the trends happening now in places like TikTok, it is just so disturbing we are even too shy to mention the blatant and disgusting fahisha (lewdness) that is on display. Believe it or not, the music & dancing aspect (as we definitely affirm those are unlawful and wrong), is really the least disturbing element of these platforms. So called “influencers” are calling our youth, and even impressionable young adults, to reckless and unconscionable behaviour. When you read about what people are promoting on these platforms, you can’t help but feel like the world has turned upside down, SubhaanAllah!

Unfortunately, us Muslims are not immune from this bad influence. That is why this khutbah is so timely and important for us to hear, and take heed of how desensitized we are becoming to this ubiqitous evil.

May Allah bless brother Abu Taymiyyah with all that is good in this life and the next. And may Allah protect us and our children from the shaytaan and his weak plotting, Ameen!

COMING UP NEXT, IN SHA ALLAH: What can we do to help the ummah? Khutbah by Imam Karim Abuzaid!

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