This talk by Shaykh AbdelRahman is a true gem, and the message is truly needed for all believers in these difficult times for the ummah. Allah is in control, The Exalted and The All Mighty. We as Muslims, ABSOLUTELY MUST BELIEVE in the ABSOLUTE PERFECT WISDOM AND MERCY of our Creator, and that nothing happens without His permission and knowledge. The calamities happening all across the Muslim world are not without reason, and if we are equipped with the right knowledge of Allah, and build the right attitude, we can be like the believers at the time of the Prophet ﷺ, who as it is said in the Quran in suratul Ahzab, only increased in imaan when faced with the most fearful and dire of circumstances.
It is easy, and in fact quite worrying that some Muslims fall into a fatalistic mentality around the suffering of our Muslim brothers and sisters, and Naouthubillah, some are questioning the actions of Allah, and also questioning in a quite blasphemous way. This is very dangerous, brothers and sisters, and it is a matter of Aqeedah, our core belief, that Allah does not allow suffering and evil for it’s own sake, but that there is a greater perfect wisdom and mercy that overarches every circumstance that Allah brings about.
That is why we should further explore this topic of the Sunnahs of Allah, to build a better and deeper understanding of how things work with Allah’s laws of the universe. Let us learn from this talk, and take the advice of the brother to connect with the Quran and search for the patterns ourselves bi’ithnillah. May Allah increase us knowledge, love and closeness to Him, Ameen!
COMING UP NEXT IN SHA ALLAH: Politics, Politics, Politics!